Jessica Cleveland Operations Manager
My name is Jessica Cleveland, and I am the Operations Manager at Quality Telecommunications. I have been with the company for 10+ years now and absolutely love my job. I was hired to take over for the Monarch (owner) of the company, Diane Zanter. She was ready to retire but needed someone to fill her shoes. I am still trying to fill those shoes today – they’re big! My role in the company consists of anything Office Mgr., HR Mgr., Project Mgr., and Trainer related. No day is ever the same, and that is what I love. I jokingly tell people I do everything but pay the bills.
My goal at Quality is to always make sure the Customer is taken care of, and that they have the best experience with their new service. This goal, to me, is easy to achieve but what makes it even easier is having the like-minded staff we have. They too have the same goals. All our employees are amazing and so fun to work with. We are a tight nit “family” and love to pick on each other.
When I am not at work, I am with my Husband, Derek, and our kids, Gage & MaKenna. I love to Cook, which works well because my family loves to eat. We also have 2 dogs, Sitka and Blue, who also love to eat and drive my nuts. It’s crazy to think that when I started with Quality, our son Gage was almost 12 years old, and our daughter MaKenna was almost 7. Now we are busy planning Gage’s wedding and getting MaKenna prepped and ready for her Senior year of High School. Time sure flies when you’re having fun. One quirky fact about me is I know all 50 states in alphabetical order, but I must sing them to remember them.